1. Introduction to Linux

1.1 Kernel

The kernel is the core component of the Linux operating system. It manages system resources, such as CPU, memory, and peripheral devices, and provides essential services for running applications.

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1.2 GNU/Linux

GNU/Linux refers to the combination of the GNU operating system and the Linux kernel. The GNU project provides essential user-level utilities and tools, while the Linux kernel serves as the core of the operating system.

2. Terminal

2.1 Why Terminal?

The terminal provides a text-based interface for interacting with the Linux operating system. It allows users to execute commands, manage files, and perform system administration tasks.

2.2 Most basic commands

Some of the most basic commands in the Linux terminal include:

  • ls: List directory contents
  • cd: Change directory
  • mkdir: Create a new directory
  • rm: Remove files or directories
  • touch: Create an empty file
3. Environments

3.1 Desktop Environment [DE]

A desktop environment provides a graphical user interface [GUI] for users to interact with the Linux operating system. It includes features such as window management, file browsing, and application launching.

3.2 Window Manager [WM]

A window manager controls the placement and appearance of windows on the screen within a desktop environment. It manages window borders, title bars, and desktop backgrounds, providing users with control over their workspace.

4. Distributions

Linux distributions, or distros, are variations of the Linux operating system that bundle together the Linux kernel, GNU utilities, and additional software packages. Each distribution is tailored to specific use cases or user preferences, offering different desktop environments/window managers, package managers, and pre-installed software.